Service Appointments delivered right to you

Your customers can book service appointments with ease through chat, text, and Facebook Messenger, delivering 3x more appointments and service revenue.

A black chat bubble

Convenient Scheduling with ChatSmart

Enable your customers to book service appointments through conversation. It’s friendly, efficient, and ensures questions are answered right away.

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Use Incentives to Book Appointments in Publisher

Enable your customers to book service appointments through conversation. It’s friendly, efficient, and ensures questions are answered right away.

How Does it Work?

Service customers are booked directly into your system. We currently support Service Portal 2.0, Xtime, GM’s Online Service Scheduling tool, and AutoLoop.

Follow Key Metrics for Service Appointments

Our ServicePro Dashboard provides a clear look at the number of appointments booked through Publisher and Chat, in real time.

Make it easy for your customers to connect with your dealership 24/7.

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